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Have you ever tried to meditate with a 2.5 and 4 year old around? It’s nearly impossible. Between the constant needs, wants and “issues” of my precious children I adore so much and trying to accomplish almost anything, I think I have acquired ADD -just since their birth. Even when I do have long stretches of silence, I find my mind bouncing around like it never has before and I must reign it in to the track I intend. My kids don’t have it. Nope. they are steadfast focused on their intention to get … well…. my attention -a precious commodity around here :). Which means it takes sheer force of intense will to meditate, write, get alone time or anything else that is absolutely essential to my sanity. Having a supportive and helpful hubby is definitely important, but it’s still up to me to say “HEY! I NEED A TIME OUT!”

Right now my son is with Daddy ‘digging in the dirt’ and my daughter is playing quietly in her room so I am snagging a bit of “me” time before I head off to give a massage (my ‘day’ job). I hope when I’m done, I don’t find a horrendous mess of what my daughter has been keeping herself busy with! …lol. You think I’m kidding…

WHEW! So after spending what spare time I’ve had over the last couple months preparing for a successful Grand Opening launch of my spankin’ new web site (thank you all for joining me 🙂 It’s time to get back on track and dive headlong into my final editing of Flashpoint.

Editing: My least favorite part about writing …. but, If I want to get anywhere, it must be done. I am currently smoothing out the roughest part of my book, the first part of the 2nd chapter. Although the most of it has great flow (in my opinion) and the suspense of the story is building as I let the reader get to know Avlyn a little better, there were parts of it that I forced out when I really wasn’t inspired. So, with the help of a friend with an English Lit. Major, I am steadily chipping away and reworking details to open up the … well, you could even call it the ‘Chi’, or energy flow of Flashpoint’s life force. After that, the rest of the editing should be smoother sailing since the following chapters eagerly poured out in the first place.

I am trying to set a timer to write at least an hour each day… but it doesn’t always work out. What I really need is a timer I can pause while I help my 2yr old go potty, deal with sibling rivalry, make lunch or whatever, then restart it when I might get another few moments with out interruption… HA! Being a good mom is a priority to me, but being true to myself and living my purpose is a big part of that equation. Some writers suggest writing a certain number of words each day, which may be my solution, but since I am in the editing stages, it does not work the same. Nonetheless, every moment I spend excitedly immersed in writing or creating a story, feeds my soul to the level that makes it all worth while! So the pile of laundry on the couch, dishes in the sink and the countless other to-do’s are just going to have to wait a little longer… I’ve got SOUL work to do! 😉

As I pretend to drink the imaginary fruit smoothy my daughter just handed me -here is a small excerpt from Chapter 2 of Flashpoint. Avlyn needs help to pursue the Sutra so has just returned to the Institute Of Noetic Sciences (a real place where she first began to really understand her abilities. She is greeted by an old friend. Note: although the names and minor details have been changed, the quick story of the characters you are about to meet is in fact, a true story I heard from Dean Radin (senior fellow @IONS) when I interviewed him at the Institute in Petaluma May ’08. Dean was the scientist conducting the study and witnessed the story unfold.

“Walking through the doors, Avlyn smiled immediately when she saw an old friend, and the better half of her favorite couple, sitting at the front desk. Deanna and Peter had become IONS’s first love story when they were test subjects to determine if any stimulation could be detected when one person sent energy to the other. They had been complete strangers and had never met until after the study was complete.

Deanna had been in a recliner secluded in a small serene room that was actually a disguised large metal box that shielded outside electromagnetic energy. Peter was in another room that was in no way relaxing or comfortable, but he did have a TV screen that randomly showed the image of the resting Deanna in the metal box. Peter‘s instructions were to send Deanna energy whenever her image appeared on the screen.
Over about 30 minutes time at random intervals, Biofeedback and EEG sensors detected energy and physiological surges whenever the energy was sent. After the testing was complete they were questioned separately then introduced. Both stated they ‘felt something’ and the experience was ‘interesting’.

Later, out of the scientist’s earshot, they could not resist consulting with one another. Reluctantly they both eventually admitted that during the intervals of passing and receiving energy, they simultaneously felt powerful and all encompassing waves of what could be described as nothing other than love. A deep, sweaty palm, heart-pounding yet profoundly peaceful love.

They had never met before the conclusion of the study, but nonetheless they both had felt the most incredible love connection either had ever experienced. A week later they were engaged. A month after that, they were married on IONS hill in a grassy field overlooking the beautiful rolling hills and surrounded by friends, family and dumbfounded scientists -who were also quite pleased with themselves. Now, more than 12 years after their marriage, they were still Avlyn’s favorite couple. They gave her hope.”

Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit. I was so captured when I heard the story, I couldn’t help but include it in with Flashpoint’s characters at IONS 🙂

I must, once again, thank my web designer Douglas Neal for not only making this site look so great, but his patient and persistent help in sorting out all the glitches, back end out-of-nowhere issues and lessons in the first week of my grand opening. I was a mess, but he kept cool and collected 🙂

Until next time, I will be editing, researching and submitting to agents, crammed in between all the other gifts, to-do’s and opportunities in my life:). I have made a couple additions to the research page so check it out if you’re interested!

Wishing you all the best
With Love

PS………. While writing this, only one crisis and about 67 or so interruptions -and/or my two kids crawling on or around me- but I did it. Like I said, sometimes it takes sheer force of will to get anything done! 🙂 IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! Now I’m off to go read a few books to the kiddies. Gotta breed new readers!

Please, feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think 🙂